Main Mast Rebuild - 2001
The main mast was taken down in March of 2001, and stripped to the bare metal. The mast was sanded with 120 grit, 220 grit, and finally, 320 grit sandpaper. The mast was then sprayed with two coats of metal primer, two coats of zinc chromate primer, and two coats of Pettit Kelly Green Easypoxy single part epoxy paint. Jim did the spray painting, and overall, it came out very well considering this was only his second time spraying a mast.
Jim added a new mast head fitting to facilitate internal halyards, and blocks to raise the new spinnaker sail. The new mast head fitting supports a set of three sheaves front and three sheaves in the rear. Internal halyards were put in, and conduit was run inside the mast for the electrical wiring. Mast steps were added, and new spreader lights were installed. The old winch pads were replaced and a new winch pad was installed for the two speed self-tailing spinnaker halyard winch. This winch used to be on the cabin top for the main sheet, but was no longer needed there. Track was put on the front of the mast for the spinnaker/whisker pole. All of the necessary hardware was installed to operate the new spinnaker/whisker pole. The back stays were replaced, and Norseman fittings and rigging insulators were added to them for the new SSB radio. The forestay, staysail stay, bobstay, and the starboard upper were also replaced and Norseman fittings added to them.
The following pictures will show the main mast as it was first taken off of the boat; the building of the new mast parts; repairs to the mast; painting of the new parts and mast; final construction; and, the finished product.
Top Portion Of Main Mast Showing
Sleeve To Join The Mast Sections |